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Ever met people who seem to barely study but end up with top grades? Much as there are extraordinary students, it is not always about how long you spend with the books, but how well. It is about studying smart. This involves optimal time management, a desire to get top grades and using the study technique(s) that suit(s) you. Yes, it is not about being an extraordinary student but it is all about endorsing extraordinary study plans. Without wasting any more time, herein are study techniques for students in college.

Before you read this further, here's a checklist you can use to know what you'd need to focus on the most:

        Checklist for Effective Study Plan
  • Note only the important points in a particular chapter.    
  • Keep track of your class performance and previous grades.
  • Track your productive hours in a day.
  • Make a priority list of all the chapters (of all the subjects).
  • Be committed.

Now, this checklist is more of a pre-requisite which should take about a day to finish.
Make sure you deeply analyze where you stand right now before you start on the below-discussed tips.

1. Start With Small 

Ever seen a rocket getting launched? (Okay... maybe in a video or something?!). Be inspired by it. Before you can lift off, you have to gather a lot of thrust under you. To do this, you start smile. You commit yourself to study and then start small and build on from there.
If you take on too much at a time in the first few days, you would only stress yourself and make it seem difficult. so, start small. You can try the Pomodoro technique.

2. Track Your Progress :

This holds true for absolutely anything that you want to do and be successful at, and not just studying. Tracking your performance helps you know how much you have progressed and what areas need extra work. You wouldn't be able to perform better in the subjects you are weak in until you realize that you need to devote a little more time to them.

At the start, give an equal amount of time to each subject. After a test, know which subject requires more of your time and then allocate more time to it.

3. Pick A Study Spot:

Where you study is an important part of the process. Find appropriate spots, be it your house, school, a cafe, a railway station etc. Just make sure it is somewhere you are comfortable (preferably with a good chair and table) and your concentration would not be broken. If you have to try different spots to get the right one, do so.

4. Prioritize :

  1. Take a diary & write down the topics you need to cover today.

2. Against the topics, mark with three different colored pens. Blue - And. Yellow -            Difficult. Red - Most Difficult.

3. Now, allocate your time span accordingly.

5. Envision Performing Well In Your Exams :

This study technique is basically a law of attraction hack. The biggest sort of motivation comes from within. Therefore, make sure you visualize yourself getting good grades in your tests and exams. This should not be confused with daydreaming.

Visualization helps your mind believe it is actually possible.

6. Speak To Your Professor:

Do not be afraid to approach your tutors. If you hit a block or are stumped, you should consider talking to your professor. If you are too shy to ask the question during a class, meet him/her after the class and make your query.

Do not deny yourself a chance to get clarification from someone who knows out of
fear or shyness.

It does not necessarily have to be about a query, it could be to gain insight into how well you are doing and what you can do differently or better.

7. Take Breaks While Studying:

This is to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. An effective 2-hour study is much better than an overwhelming (not-so-effective) 5-hour study.

You can simply choose to do anything that you like. You can doodle, make crafts, watch a TV series episode, or even catch a nap. However, make sure the breaks are reasonable and neither incessant nor long.

You can work using these pointers:

1. Try to create a relationship with your teacher/professor. Make a habit of seeking their help with your studies.

2. Prioritize your subjects and write a brief syllabus of each of your subjects in the diary.
  Then tick them off as you complete each.

3. Don"t give up.


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